Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Rule Number One

The first thing they don't tell you about home ownership. It takes LOTS OF TIME. Like, ridiculous amounts of time. To do seemingly itty bitty projects. This is probably in part due to the fact we have never done things like tear down wallpaper, skim coat walls, and install floors before. Thank the Lord for Google. And Youtube. And Young House Love (seriously - John and Sherry, if you ever find our tiny 2 post blog, you are the reason our house is still standing).

Our little 60's split level is coming along, but it has aways to go. As do my blogging skills of TAKING PICTURES. Yeah....there aren't too many. And the ones I've taken kinda suck. I promise to work on that. I also promise that I will give you a house tour one day and not limit you to only seeing the front of our house from the MLS site. I now know why real estate sites don't show you tons of beautiful photos of every room. It's because it's hard. And those rooms probably aren't so stinkin' beautiful in the first place.

So yeah - we're still training over here. Doug is doing hours upon hours of trainer rides in the morning to get ready for the Rev3 Age Group Championship and I'm starting a new half marathon training program with one of my best girlfriends. We both ran the Philly Half in November, took some time off (slash, I came down with the plague), and now we are back at it. Well- Doug was never really off. But I was. To the point where 2 miles on the treadmill nearly killed me yesterday. It's going to be a long 13 weeks ;)

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